
Cracked Up

Part 4: Creating an Azure App Service

The next step in the process involves creating an Azure app service to run your Piranha CMS instance. An Azure App service is essentially the Azure resource that will directly serve your Piranha CMS site files and will enable you to configure custom domai... Read more

Late September

Part 3: Configuring Piranha CMS for Azure

In order to run a Piranha CMS instance on Azure, some configuration of your new site is necessary. These configuration changes include setting connection strings for Azure SQL Server and Azure Blob Storage. In order to correctly update your Piranha CMS co... Read more

Piranha Logo Banner

Part 2: Installing Piranha CMS Locally

Piranha CMS is an open-source .NET 5 CMS designed by developers for developers. This means that Piranha can be setup locally by installing the official templates and using the standard dotnet new command. To install Piranha CMS templates, run the followin... Read more

Piranha Developer Banner

Part 1: Getting Started with Piranha CMS

In order to follow this tutorial that outlines how to deploy Piranha CMS to Azure, you'll need to meet the following prerequisites. Each of these resources are free or free to try for a limited time. If you simply want to run Piranha locally, install the ... Read more

Piranha CMS and Azure

Deploying Piranha CMS to Azure

This series of tutorials outlines the process of deploying Piranha CMS to an Azure App Service using GitHub Actions. The Azure App Service you'll create in this tutorial feature an Azure SQL Server instance and an Azure Blob Storage account. To ease the d... Read more

First Light 2017

Migration to Azure

This is my new blog, now as a dotnet core based application, hosted on Azure and powered by Piranha CMS. I'm still cleaning things up and laying out the site, so there isn't much content here just yet. My plan is to write, in detail, about my experience... Read more

Steve Jobs

Don't be trapped by dogma

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice...... Read more